Saturday, 17 May 2008

Task 2. Another World

1- Write the rules of Eden City.
2- You are the Head of the School at Eden City. what subjects do they have? What time do they have them? Choose new subjects too. E.g: They have "Eating Nice Food" on Mondays at 10.
3-What type of world would you like to live in?


Your student said...

The rules of Eden city are:
1.The grey is a bad colour
2.allways say yes
3.different is ugly
4.sad is bad and happy is good 25th byrthay they have the long dream
they have "what are the good colours?" on mondays at 11 o'clock
I want to live in the real wordl because I can live more than 25 years.

Your student said...

1•The rules of Eden City are:
-always you are happy
-the grey isn`t a good colour
-have a lovely day
-always say yes
-"all student have a number on the inside of their left arms

-they have lunch on wednesdayat 13 o'clock.
-they study on mondey at half past four.
-they can sleep on saturday at quarter to ten.
b)-"Be a good friend" the first therr hours of lessons.
-"Do people like you?" two hours.

I want to live ir the real but it is where do you are free.


Your student said...

The rules of Eden City that are written in the book are:
"Say always `have a lovely day`"
"Grey wasn`t a good colour"
"Always say yes" "`No`, wasn`t friendly"
"Each student must had a number on the inside of their left arms"

"Be a good friend" the first therr hours of lessons.
"Do people like you?" two hours.

New subjects:
"Have Nice Talks with the people" on Friday at 9
"Sings happily" on Wednesday at 4
"Dreams quiett" on Monday at 8
I want lo live in another world, in a perfect world but in a world that we can be free.


Your student said...

1-In Eden City you ever stay happy.
-you eat and wear the same clothes everybody
-everybody have blue eyes
-everybody know about the Team
-grey is bad colour
-different is ugly

2-I know 1 subjects is about de lessons.
-“start a conversation”

3-I like in the world where we live.


Your student said...

1)The rules of Eden City that are written in the book are:
1-You must be happy
2-You must have a number
3-You must say yes
4-You must learn the lesson
5-You mustn't have a name


1-They have "good friends" on Friday at 7
2-They have "music" on Monday at 12
3-They have "robots" o Friday at 9
4-They have "Talking to people" on Monday at 17
5-They have "gardening"on Friday at 14

3)I want to live ir the real but is free.


Your student said...

1-The rules of Eden city are:
- If you are bad it`s rong and happy is good
-if you are different is a rong.
-the people have a lovely day.
-you said alwways yes.
-the grey is not a good colour.
-the students have a number.
-in 25 birthday all the people have a "long dream".

2- reall subjets:
-Do you think than people like your personality? Two hours.
-At the first three hours of class be a good person with your friends.

subjets invented by me:

- class of the dance of the love at 5:00pm. on monday
-classes of song to love people at 4:00pm. on thursday.
-classes to write poems that always say yes at 3:00pm. on friday.

3-If I have the posiblity to choose my life, I will choose the real world, because I will be free and I would have free thinking and I could do what I want to do. If I live in Eden City, I will be a kind of.
